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Level One Intermediate

Our tumbling classes provide a fun and safe environment to learn new skills while promoting fitness, self-esteem, and self-confidence.Each class is leveled to allow for safe and fun progression through all fundamental tumbling skills such as rolls, handstands, cartwheels, walkovers, handsprings, tucks, layouts and up to fulls.


In our recreational tumbling classes, the goal is to have fun and teach new skills. Our athletes are always encouraged to set personal goals and work with coaches and independently to achieve those goals. We perform monthly assessments and update parents regularly on their child’s progress


During Level 1 intermediate your athlete will learn the more advanced skills in Level 1 such as back walkover (BWO), front walkover (FWO), round off (RO). 


Prerequisites are as followed: 

Forward Roll (FW) , Backward Roll (BW),  Cartwheel (CW) , Handstand (HS) and Bridge

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